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The title of this book tells its mission. It points the reader to Jesus Christ as the only one who is able to meet the needs of the soul. It directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the pathway of peace. It leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by step, along the way of christian living, to that experience where he or she can know the fullness of blessing found in the complete surrender of self. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
Volume 1 of the series Conflict of the Ages. Patriarchs and Prophets is one of the only books available anywhere that can reveal with accuracy and authority just how and why the great war between good and evil began and who is behind it. This volume is the first in a series of five exciting and inspiring books covering the history of the world. It has been described as the "best commentary ever written on the first third of the Bible". (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
Volume 2 of the series Conflict of the Ages. Beginning with King Solomon, this book recounts the stories of great men and women of the Bible who lived from his reign to the first advent of Jesus Christ. You will read of Elijah, Daniel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, among others, and you will find the lessons God would have us all learn from their lives. A tremendous biography of Bible characters. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
Volume 3 of the series Conflict of the Ages. Follow Jesus in these pages from his birth in Bethlehem's stable to his death on the cross, his glorious resurrection, and his triumphant return to heaven. The author does not set forth the events of Jesus' life in strict chronological order, but she presents Him as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. She presents the divine beauty of the life of the Savior, the love of God as revealed in his Son. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
Volume 4 of the series Conflict of the Ages. This book presents the amazing story of the early christian church through the rest of New Testament times. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
Volume 5 of the series Conflict of the Ages. Since the beginning of the world's history, there have been two supernatural powers contending for supremacy of the world: the one seeking to establish a kingdom built on laws of love and truth; the other, on the laws of selfishness and deception. This warfare, involving the entire universe, touches every life. These two contending powers are Christ and Satan; and the great and final battle, the battle to end all battles, is right now being fought before our very eyes. This book unveils these two forces at work in human history and in the events that are soon to change the course of this world forever. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
The Sermon on the Mount is Heaven’s benediction to the world—a voice from the throne of God. Throughout all time the words that Christ spoke from the mount of Beatitudes will retain their power. Every sentence is a jewel from the treasure house of truth. The principles enunciated in this discourse are for all ages and for all classes of men. With divine energy, Christ expressed His faith and hope as He pointed out class after class as blessed because of having formed righteous characters. Living the life of the Lifegiver, through faith in Him, everyone can reach the standard held up in His words. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
A companion volume to The Desire of Ages, this book presents the parables of Jesus in a fresh light, showing their application to christian living today. This devotional classic plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today. It provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
The present volume is designed to help readers fix their eyes on Jesus, noting how he lived, studying his attitudes and practices, and encouraging them to follow his example. How important was prayer in his life? How did he relate to inspired writings? How did he use time and other God-given talents? What was his attitude toward the natural world, toward the moral law, toward healthful living? The daily readings are grouped around these and other practical topics month by month, helping to make clear that salvation involves much more than simply saying, “I believe.” It means loving Jesus, obeying him, and seeking to be like him. (Author: Ellen G. White) Also available as audiobook |
In 1977, one of the greatest motion-picture releases ever to hit the screen debuted in America: Star Wars. This science-fiction epic of the intergalactic struggle between good and evil captivated millions. Yet Star Wars and all the episodes that followed never came close to depicting the true characters and real issues at stake in the true cosmic conflict of which we are all a part. We needn’t go to the theater to watch this unfolding drama, for it is happening before our very eyes, in the very world in which we live. In fact, we are living on the very stage of the theater of the universe. This is not science fiction. This is reality. On the Edge of Time lifts the curtain on the drama of this long, outstanding controversy concerning the true nature and character of God. The Creator of the universe wants you to know the truth about Him, and he has placed this book in your hands to give you the spiritual guideposts you will need to chart your way through the troublesome times ahead. We are now standing On the Edge of Time, and we must prepare ourselves for the last great conflict. (Author: Ellen G. White) |
Have you ever decide to read the entire Bible cover to cover -only to give up after a couple of weeks? Or perhaps when you read the Bible, you don't seem to get much out of it. Well, don't be hard on yourself, because you are not alone! The Sword of the Spirit will provide you with practical tips to help you get more out of your Bible, remember what you've learned, and apply it to your daily life. Also included are easy to follow Bible reading plans that can help you navigate the entire Word of God. It's Bible reading made simple. Why not begin today? In studying this Book of books you will find intriguing lessons in how God worked in the lives of people long ago, from which you will learn important truths and gain the strength to apply them in your life. As you read and study your Bible, never forget that the Author, God Himself, is speaking to you, asking you to follow him. (Author: Shawn Boonstra) |
The Lord’s Prayer is comprised of seven petitions, which are divided up very much like the Ten Commandments. The first three petitions are God-ward —vertical— and the last four petitions deal with the horizontal relationships we have with others. Likewise, the first great commandment is to love the Lord, and the second great commandment is to love your neighbor. God should come first in our prayers; His counsel and will should be the great priority in our lives. But we must also not neglect our relationships on earth, which is why Jesus’ model includes those around us. (Author: Doug Batchelor) |